How to Hit Reset on Your Mind and Emotions

Resetting the Nervous System.JPG

Come up higher. The view is amazing.


There are moments in life that we just want to scream “are you kidding me?!” and look around for the hidden camera to see who is planning the chaos that’s attacking.


Those are the moments… if I can catch myself… I try to zoom out and ask “what’s actually going on here?”. What goodness is trying to happen that chaos and confusion want to distract me from?


Every single time I remember to take that pause and come up higher for a better view, I am reminded that the good that is going on around me is so much more abundant and powerful than any of the things that fight for my attention.


It’s a crazy balance trying to honor what’s happening right in front of you and bring your best to it, while also trying to not let it get the best of you and remember that there’s so much greater and better happening on another level if you can just find the space, time, and commitment to come up higher to see it.


There are some very practical and scientific ways to address this chaos going on in and around us.


Modern health perspectives are finally beginning to integrate and accept that the mind and body can’t be treated completely separately. Our thoughts and emotions DIRECTLY affect how we feel in our body and how it functions… and the opposite is also true. How we treat our physical body directly benefits or hinders how we think and feel emotionally. We are multifaceted beings that just can’t be separated.


A Fun Trick:

Essential Oils are my favorite way to hit reset when I’m stuck in a mental or emotional loop that I can’t climb out of. There are lots of healthy, life-giving ways to hit a physical reset in your body that frees your mind to see a new perspective. 

  • Deep Breathing

  • Exercise

  • Eat nutritious foods

  • Journal and dump out your thoughts (active meditation to clear your head)

  • Prayer is obviously a powerful way to surrender the pressure that comes with chaos and confusion, but sometimes our body just needs a little extra help aligning with what we are believing for in our minds so we aren’t fighting with ourselves.


Using Essential Oils to Hit the Reset Button:

The simple act of choosing an oil and inhaling it is powerful for a quick brain reset that affects the body and nervous system through the limbic system. But if you’ve ever wanted to go a little deeper with using essential oils, using them strategically on specific body points is a game changer!


Some specific points you might try:

  • Temples- clarify thinking

  • Back of neck- energize brain and/or relax stressful thoughts

  • Front of throat- soften or clarify speech, depending on which oils you use

  • Chest- open and relax breathing; settle a racing or anxious heart

  • Lower stomach/back- feelings of safety, security, and personal power


Involving other mind-body tricks are also great:

  • Activate the vagus nerve, the main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relax) by singing (just a steady hum will do if you don’t sing) or placing your hand on the back of the neck and holding it there while breathing slow and steadily

  • Place a hand on your heart, while inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 4 seconds, and exhaling for 4 seconds to sync your heartbeat and breath to relax the nervous system

  • Find the Liver 3 acupuncture point on the foot. Place a finger on the point of each foot. Apply light pressure and hold for 30-60 seconds. This point relaxes and opens several meridians and parts of the digestive system to allow a clenched and worried stomach to relax and let go.


Essential oils for reset:

  • Vetiver- pulls you out of your head and down into your roots to feel secure

  • Roman Chamomile- both stimulating to the mind but settling to the body for feeling of hopefulness and a joyful rest

  • Cedarwood- center the mind and feel connected in the heart to fight feelings of overwhelm and distraction

  • Wild Orange- brighten and clarify the mind with happier, more carefree thoughts

  • Lavender- tap into exactly what you’re body is feeling to put words and a voice to it so you know exactly why you’re feeling anxious; often when anxious thoughts are brought into the light, they lose their power over us and clarity takes their place

  • Lemongrass- blast through heavy or negative overwhelming thoughts, leaving clarity and energy where they were

  • Frankincense- oxygenate and activate the brain, while calming the nervous system, for fresh perspective

  • Tea Tree- break ties with negativity and empower yourself to be free of attacking thoughts or expectations


A protocol to help you clear mind and body noise:

Tea Tree- apply one drop on your finger and rub on temples

Lemongrass- rub one drop up your spine

Cedarwood- apply one drop to chest, hold hand over heart, and take 3-4 slow and steady breaths.

Frankincense- apply one drop to your hand, rub on back of neck, and inhale the rest from your hands

Whether you are feeling stressed and need a reset, or you just want to start or restart your day with a little more clarity and momentum in the right direction, use this protocol to help you loosen the silent grip of stress that creeps in and takes over our thoughts and emotions.


Come up higher. The view is amazing.

Jennifer HawkinsComment