3 Easy Ways to Work Aromatherapy Into Your Day

5 Ways to Work Aromatherapy into Your Days.JPEG

Adding healthy habits into your life doesn’t need to add extra stress.


Nature is designed to support and benefit us

I love that science is catching up to prove how beneficial aromatherapy can be. Research abounds on the benefits of aromatherapy. Just check out article databases like aromaticscience.com or pubmed.gov and search ‘benefits of aromatherapy’. The list is long, whether you’re looking for mind or body support. The study of epigenetics is showing us very clearly how our environment directly affects how our DNA expresses itself, and more research is being done specifically on how the aroma of pure and high quality plant compounds benefits these epigenetic triggers.

Our levels of stress, situations we experience, the food we eat, and even what we smell can have a positive or negative effect on our mind and body.

Imagine that your DNA holds countless off and on switches for all of the potential ways it can express itself. Things like stress and toxic load can turn on negative responses or suppress beneficial responses. Nourishing things like nutrients from whole foods, water, and positive experiences enrich our life and encourage healthy responses in our DNA, turning on the switches for healing, growth and overall well-being.

Your Lifestyle and Environment play a huge role in your health and happiness.

Working essential oils into my day was something I did out of fascination at first. Maybe I knew on a gut instinct level that epigenetics was a thing. Or maybe I just enjoyed what I was doing, and that was enough to keep going. But making it a daily habit took a little more strategy because guess what one thing gets forgotten when you’re stressed…? YOU. Taking care of ourselves, for some reason, is the last thing we think about when we’re in a bad mood, short on time, or have a lot of important things pressing on us, but it drastically changes the quality of what we give and do when we align back to a steady place before pushing ahead. I can use frantic energy to get some things done, but my goal is to live as much of my life as possible, pouring from a place that is bigger and better than just me working in manic mode.

Essential oils not only give me toxin free personal care, cleaning options, and make my house smell good, but they also support my mental, emotional and physical health while I’m using them. They help me create an environment that supports me being the happiest and healthiest version of me.

I’m not perfect at it, but I am always looking for ways to refine and enrich what I’m already doing without adding more stress into my life.

Here are three Ways I work Aromatherapy into my day… without having to add extra steps.

1. Peppermint in my morning coffee.

I love the smell of coffee in the morning. I love the cup in my hand. I love the steam rolling off it while I sit and stare and let my mind wander about how I want my day to go. Coffee alone is its own form of aromatherapy, but you can add a major mental boost to your morning coffee routine just my adding a drop of peppermint to the cup. 

The smell will fill the entire room and instantly help your mind and body start turning on the switches that get your motivation and energy going for the day… and that’s before you even take a sip. The smell is strong, but the flavor is actually pretty mild and goes perfectly in a cup of coffee.

2. Cedarwood in my morning face routine.

I learned a long time ago that my skin doesn’t like soap. I make an easy oil cleansing recipe of almond or avocado oil and Cedarwood. Rather than stripping my skin of natural oils, the almond oil breaks up dirt and oil on my face and leaves it full of moisture. 

Whether you use a face wash and water based moisturizer or you make your own face oil, you can add a drop of Cedarwood to support your focus and sense of purpose and connection for the day. Essential oils are not “oil” based, so if your skin is sensitive to heavy fatty oils, you can still add essential oils to your products.

Check out the Cedarwood article for my face oil recipe!

3. Wild Orange and Tea Tree Nightly Kitchen Routine.

I try, on most days, to do a quick kitchen routine of emptying the sink (or at least tidy up what’s in it), wiping down the counters, and turning on a diffuser to run overnight to clear the air. It completely changes the whole energy of the room.

I actually look forward to this routine because there is something about a shining empty sink, clean counters, and the smell of wild orange and tea tree that wipes the day away. I go to bed with a clear mind, knowing that whatever happened that day is done. If there’s anything left on my do list or rattling around in my brain, it can wait until tomorrow. The wild orange is a mood balancing oil, and tea tree is cleansing and clearing to the mind. It’s a bonus to start the day by coming down to a clean and fresh smelling kitchen the next morning!

Which routine can you see yourself easily working into your day?

What step can you make right now to make that happen?

Want to learn more about how to use the oils mentioned in this article?

Peppermint for Mind-Body Connection

Cedarwood for Mind-Body Connection

Wild Orange for Mind-Body Connection