Spring Is For Renewal

Spring Essential Oil Renewal Boundaries Mind Body Connection Self Care.JPG

A sacred time for the “new”…

Protect it. Enjoy it.


The air is buzzing. Our hearts and minds are naturally full of activity, ideas, and creativity this time of year. It’s only rational once the weather gets warmer and the sun comes out for longer to be motivated to go outside and find things to do. But it’s also a great opportunity, to pause and just make sure all that energy is going where we want it and not fighting against us.

It’s not just the warm sunshine pulling us outside. The whole energy around us is screaming newness. The air is saturated with potential as pollen, tree blooms, and buzzing bees are spreading new life and growth and the sap is rising in the trees again.

Our bodies feel it and have a built in reaction to move inwardly, which will always stir up a need to release as well. Movement urges our lymphatic system to purge. Fresh foods encourage our liver and digestive systems to clear out any heaviness leftover from winter comfort foods.

We’re preparing for the new.

It’s an exciting season. It can also easily be overwhelming.

Here is a quick list of some things you might look at in your life and decide where to do some purging. Clearing out the old always makes room for the new. It’s the natural order of things. Committing time to this season of clean out is one of the best ways to invite new and good things to come in and take the place of what isn’t needed.

You might want to…

  • Clean out your closet.

    What are you holding on to because of sentiment or just because you’re afraid you might need it one day? Do the things in your closet reflect who you are… better yet, who you’re becoming as you grow more confident, healthier, and stronger?

  • Clean up your schedule.

    What are you feeling pull you in multiple directions? Is it time to pass something off for someone else to take care of? Can you automate anything? Maybe it just needs to be eliminated because it doesn’t line up with the rest of your life and where you’re growing. And for goodness sake, if you aren’t protecting your time by putting it all in a planner to map out your life, do that so you know what’s coming and how much energy you have to give. If there isn’t room on the calendar, that’s a sure sign you’re not living sustainably. Ask for help, Delegate. Automate. Eliminate. Some white space in the calendar is a good thing.

  • Reevaluate Commitments.

    This is similar to and will be connected to your schedule, but just take a minute to zoom out or look back at New Year resolutions and think about where you wanted this year to go. Do your commitments reflect that? Let go of anything you’re doing out of guilt or purely from obligation just because you’re afraid to say no. Let go of anything that’s sucking time away from what truly matters and holds deep value to you.

  • Refine Boundaries.

    Just like your schedule and commitments, this is a great time to look at your boundaries. What are you focused on? Where is your energy going? What pulls your energy down? How can you address those things? How can you kindly protect your focus and your mindset to stay in alignment with who you really are and what you’re here to do?

This is a special time of the year for new life. Protect it. Enjoy it.

Give this roller blend or essential oil protocol a try to help your body align with what your head is processing and thinking through. You’ll be amazed at how much easier decisions flow when they’re addressed from the mind and body perspectives simultaneously.

“Bring in the New” Roller Blend

3 drops Petitgrain

2 drops Wintergreen

3 drops Copaiba

5 drops Clove

3 drops Black Pepper

5 drops Hawaiian Sandalwood

Combine oils in a 5mL roller bottle. Fill the rest with Fractionated Coconut oil. Apply on heart, belly midline, top of head (using finger tips to massage in). and the back of the knees.

'“Bring in the New” Protocol (1x application)

1 drop Wintergreen- apply along tops of shoulders

1 drop Petitgrain- inside elbow creases

1 drop Black Pepper- on solar plexus/diaphragm area

1 drop Copaiba- bottom of each foot

1 drop Frankincense- around navel

This is a one-time protocol. No need to reapply.

Whether you use the roller blend or the one-time protocol, take a moment to intentionally surrender expectations you have or that may be placed on you. Be willing to start fresh and see things in a new light, letting go of anything that isn’t working! Be open to NEW!

Jennifer HawkinsComment