Designed for Joy: Val Petty

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I asked my friend and fellow podcast host, Val …

to share her journey into self care, her thoughts about what it is, and what it has changed in her life. Val also has a book releasing this week on Amazon and Kindle, and you have a chance to get it for FREE by joining her email list at


I used to think self care was limited to pedicures, bubble baths, and massages…

While I appreciated the idea of relaxing and taking time out to pamper myself, I rarely did it because I never seemed to feel recharged no matter what I did. And quite honestly, a few years ago, I didn’t feel like I had an extra minute in my day to fit that in. As a busy mom of two, I was attempting to be a great mom, manage my household, work in a salon as a hairstylist, take hair clients on the side at home, and build an essential oil business. I was juggling all the things and I was dropping balls everywhere. 

I thought that if I could just make more money my life would get easier.

I would have more freedom and I could quit my job at the salon. I dreamed of a day when I could focus on my essential oil business and grow it to a place of financial freedom. 

 I lived in a constant state of mental exhaustion from trying to “fix” the problems in my life. Adulting seemed to bring layer after layer of stress. Whether it was financial, marriage, or career issues, I couldn’t seem to find the breakthroughs I was seeking and I was so frustrated. 

I desired more...more joy, more abundance, more success, and more peace.

I thought that if I just worked harder and did more I could finally crest the mountain and find what I was looking for. I wasn’t naive enough to think that life would be perfect but I was searching for that sweet spot where life was in flow and I could finally feel worthy of a joyful life….

So how do you get there?

How do you go from feeling like there’s never enough to a place of abundance and overflow? Most of us are taught that you must work harder than everyone else to achieve personal success. It’s an act of willpower and discipline and strategy that gets you to the top. I was so desperate to live the life I dreamed of, that I would try really hard to push myself but when I got tired I would get apathetic and give up. It was a vicious cycle. 

But it turns out that  life doesn’t work that way. You can’t use force to achieve flow and you can’t DO anything to feel worthy. Because you already are worthy and flow doesn’t happen until you accept that you are. It’s only in realizing that you are valuable and that you have a unique purpose that you find true joy.

I know this because about three years ago, I came to the realization that the methods I was using to manage my life weren’t working. I didn’t have peace and I felt defeated and stuck. I wanted good things for my life and I was desperate enough for solutions that I was open to learning a new way of operating. 

I went on a personal growth journey and I evaluated my thoughts about myself and my life. I spent a lot of time in prayer and I used essential oils to help me process the feelings that came up as I shifted and grew. I learned creative tools for releasing my cares to God while trusting Him to restore the broken areas of my life. I realized that nothing outside of me would bring me the joy I desired and it was only in embracing who I was designed to be that joy was found.

In this messy and beautiful growth process, I learned my identity.

I learned that I am worthy and valuable just as I am. I realized that I don’t have to DO anything to be loved and accepted and that I am a powerful person with a divine purpose. 

And guess are too. You are worthy, valuable, and full of purpose. When you realize that, you’ll find rest and joy. This is the sweet spot where flow exists. Your life isn’t trouble free, but your troubles no longer define you. You have peace knowing that if a situation is not good, it’s not the end because ALL THINGS work together for your good. 

Using essential oils to remove the emotional baggage I was carrying and connecting deeply with God unlocked this new perspective of abundance and I was able to see that I could quit my job at the salon and experience the freedom I desired. 

I no longer feel trapped and exhausted and I’m able to focus on my purpose, which is sharing the tools I’ve learned along the way to help others understand their identity. 

Now I “self care” all the time.

But it looks more like caring for myself mentally, physically and spiritually. I make sure to value myself enough to give my body the nutrients it needs, manage my mood and my feelings with essential oils, and spend daily time with God to nourish my spirit. It also looks like the occasional pedicure, epsom salt bath, or massage. I know I can’t pour from an empty cup so I fill myself up with care so I can care for others well. 

I believe in this concept so much that I wrote a book about it called Designed For Joy. In the book, you’ll learn some of my favorite tools for releasing emotional baggage and understanding your identity. You’ll get clarity about how you currently feel and you’ll measure how you feel about yourself against the truth of who God says you are. Designed For Joy will give you practical steps for living in your unique purpose and for communicating with God so you can see where He’s working in your life.

There is victory in our Identity and when we know and believe the truth of who we are and Whose we are, we can own our power and step into the joy filled life we are searching for.